Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper

Lately I have found that I am pulled in a few different directions. I really love doing my photography and I also love spending time with my family. There are times I cant do both. There are also times that I feel like I need to be doing more, working harder, giving people what they really want. What I realized is that they want me. They want what Im offering, thats why they are coming to me for it.

So I make time. I spend time with the family because I know that if Im really good at taking pictures that great pictures will be there waiting for me to take them.

I have also found that the more I do what I feel great about the better things get! Thats why in the last few days I have been focusing on the positive and helping others to see their greatness.

Theres an old saying that there is always going to be someone greater then you... My view on that is this, someone is going to be the best and why cant it be me ( Im not saying that I am yet but it doesnt mean that I cant get there ) And also if there are thousands of us that have our own style why cant we all stand united as the best at what we do?

No matter what you do in life follow your dream! Never let anyone tell you how your life is going to turn out! And take time each day to love yourself and those around you!

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